14 February 2010

Caveat Emptor

I've offered my assistance to a few friends and neighbors as far as starting out vegetable gardening and they seemed to have appreciated it. I hope it works out for them, but I do want to say that I have had no formal training in horticulture or gardening. I have done a lot of reading on topics that I enjoy, like succulents, vegetables and water gardening. I have also been forced to learn about certain plants, when I find a good deal on one or when I find one on the street or when Robin brings one home. I haven't done too much reading on other important areas, like soil quality, pest and diseases. I planned to spend time reading this winter, but with planning the veggie garden and the realization that we truly have a four season vegetable garden here in South Carolina, I haven't had time. I should also mention that can be a big TV junkie at times.

I try to tell it like it is on this blog - my successes and failures - and whether something I'm doing is new or it's worked for me before. I hope people will learn from my mistakes as I have, so they don't waste the time and energy on a losing technique. I'm not saying mine are the best for everybody, but I hope my experience will help someone out there.

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