03 April 2022


Under the right conditions, every plant flowers, but some are more famous - or infamous - for their leaves. Dollarweed is one of those plants. It gets its name from silver-dollar-shaped leaves and is the scourge of everyone who wants the perfect lawn. I see it pop up in my yard in areas that tend to stay wet, and in places where the grass has gotten a little thin.

While most of these plants in my yard were unknown to me until recently, dollarweed was one that I was familiar with. Though it wasn’t until I happened to be sitting on the lawn that I noticed it flowering and decided to take a closer look. The cluster of flowers were so tiny - this photo doesn’t even come close to doing it justice.

This is another plant I’d like to get to know better, taking more photos of, trying to get a better look at its elusive flowers.

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