Like I mentioned before, we have had lizards, skinks, garter snakes, rat snakes, spiders - from banana to black widow. We've seen rodents, possums and raccoons, as well. Now that we have chickens, we've seen lots of hawks and had a few problems with them, as well as possums or raccoons, but this tops it all - we had a coyote.
I knew that coyote sightings had been more frequent in recent years - there are some in nearby Mount Pleasant, and there are a few rare sightings here in Park Circle - but I never thought there would be one in our back yard. Both Ella and I were half-asleep when we thought we heard something scaring the chickens. She got up and out the door before I could, and she saw a coyote run away from our chicken coop toward the front yard. From everything I've heard, a daylight appearance of a coyote is a rare event. After talking with neighbors, it seems that we have more coyotes than I thought. Apparently another neighbor has seen them congregate near his house a couple of blocks away. I don't think it's something to start worrying about, but it is a sign that things are getting a little wilder in less dense urban areas like we live in.
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