It has sort of finished blooming, but that it the ajuga I got off of craigslist for free. It has survived neglect from me, and too much attention from the chickens and is still chugging along...and spreading. It's planted in a narrow area between the driveway and a concrete divider so it won't spread past there. I found one growing in the grass on the other side of the driveway, one growing out of a crack in the driveway, and one growing 100 feet away, around a corner and at the front of the house!
What can I say about knockout roses? They are a showstopper. I got these for free off of craigslist too. I had them for a few years before I could decide what to do with them. I finally made a flower bed on one side of the house and they look wonderful right now. They happy to be in the ground, I suppose.
I don't know when I got this Setcreasea, also known as wandering Jew. I just know I planted it somewhere so it wouldn't die, until I decided where I really wanted to plant it. I haven't moved it since. It comes back every year, and I think, "oh yeah, I said I would plant that somewhere", and I never do. Maybe one year I'll figure out where I want it. Maybe one year...
These daisies came from one of the plant swaps last year - I think it was the fall one, but I can't remember. We expected it to be perennial, but sometimes you don't always know. It has come back this year and is in a constant state of flower. I've been meaning to find a nice pot for it and take it to Robin's house, but I just haven't done it yet.
Robin is a big fan of Gerber daisies. I would see them at Lowe's, but the tag always read that they were annuals. I don't usually do annuals, so I never bought them. Now, to the best of my knowledge, even though the tag reads "annual", they are most likely perennials around here. I have seen some around that come back every year.
Last, but not least are these daisies that I grew from seed almost two years ago. They are just everywhere around the yard now, and blooming like crazy. I plan to divide them later this summer and give some away.
I know I did a little of this last year and then it petered out. I'd like to do this every month, but it all depends on what is blooming. I have a better chance of doing this more now, since I have more plants...and more blooms.
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